10 Security Tips For Android Phones and Internet Banking

If you use a credit or debit card for online banking or make any kind of electronic financial transaction then here some security tips for android phones and internet banking.

1. Never disclose a debit or credit card PIN in email or on the phone and be suspicious of strangers who ask for personal information by email or phone.

2. Think before you download apps, there may be some fake apps which can hack all your phone information, data and bank account.

3. Never click on unknown links or reply to email that might be harmful or fraudulent, clicking on this fake links or fake email links may steal your phone data and other information.

4. Don’t open unknown email attachments.

5. Keep your android device’s operating system and Internet browser up to date, always install a good antivirus software and always visit known and trusted websites.

6. Don’t store passwords, your Social Security or other sensitive information on your android phone.

7. Never give any detail of your bank card (cvv number, card number, OTP etc) to anyone and if someone calls you and asks you to give OTP number then never provide your bank details as bank never calls regarding OTP, password or any detail.

8. Never connect with unknown open WiFi (Public WiFi) when you buy any thing using internet banking or login any sensitive information some hackers use open WiFi to hack your data and other login information.

9. Never login your bank details to unknown websites.

10. Use https sites for secure internet surfing and banking.

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