5 Ways To Know If You are Hacked

To know whether you are hacked or not. First, you have to close all the downloads and web pages and stay connected to the internet.

5 Ways To Know If You are Hacked

1.  The first method is using an ADSL router.

A. After all the internet downloads are closed, just check the status of Ethernet light. It should not blink at a very fast rate. It shows that packets are being transferred in and out of your computer.
But as there is no active Download or internet activity so no packets should transfer. If so… you might be hacked.

B. Go to run and type cmd. The command prompt will open. In the command prompt type netstat -a. This shows the list of active internet connections, check if any unnecessary internet connection is Established. If so, you might be hacked. if you type just netstat. you will get the list of all the netstat commands. you may try the other commands as well.

C. You notice any abnormal activity on your computer, like your computer hangs for a couple of seconds every time you switch it on or in between your tasks (if it occurs often), there is a chance that you are hacked. Often keyloggers and trojans are configured to deliver all the log information to the destination IP Address/ FTP Address after regular interval of time. And when this information is being sent, the browser hangs for some time.

2. Use software like TCP

Use software like TCP view, it gives the list of all the connections made through TCP. This software is capable of detecting almost all the trojan/malicious connections.

3. Keep the antivirus updated

Keep your antivirus updated and install an external firewall like Comodo. If you don’t update your antivirus regularly and often exchange data from other computers and download a lot of files. There is a great possibility that you are hacked.

4. Social account passwords

Check your social account passwords, if any of your account passwords are changed then possibly you are hacked.

5. Facebook activity log

Check your facebook activity log, if someone hacked your system then it is possible that he may use your Facebook account. If you find any unusual activity such as posts, pages, comments on posts which you have not do. Then it might be done by a hacker.



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