Grammarly: Best Grammar Checker Online/Offline

Grammar is very important for writing skills and Grammarly is the best solution for it. So as you all know, Grammar is a very important aspect of writing whether you writing a mail ( Online) or writing a project in MS word ( Offline) but some people make grammatical and some advance writing mistakes while doing their work fast and this will give the bad impression to the person who is reading that. And in blogging the grammatical mistake is bad for your site reputation and also bad for SEO. Yes, you read it right. So, it’s better to fix your grammar mistakes by using the best grammar checker Grammarly.

When you writing something then you unknowingly made many mistakes and it takes too much time to read the whole content again and find any grammar and spelling mistakes. So, it’s better to use Grammar checker to do this task and according to my personal experience, Grammarly is the best grammar checker.

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How to Install Grammarly?

You can use Grammarly online or offline.


If you want to use Grammarly on your Google Chrome browser then install the plugin of Grammarly in chrome. You can download it from its official website and It’s totally free. Similarly, you can also download the plugin for other browsers like firefox, etc on the Grammarly website for free.

And you can also check the grammar mistakes by uploading the file to your Grammarly profile. Grammarly also provides a platform for real-time Grammar checking, in which you have to log in first then you have to create a file and then write whatever you want to and check the real-time mistakes.

best grammar checker


It’s very easy, You have to download the Grammarly add-on for MS word and you can also download the whole Grammarly software in which you can create a file and write something and check the mistakes in real-time and you can also drag any file to check the mistakes in it.

How Grammarly works?

The working of Grammarly is very easy, You don’t have to do much. You just only need to write and the rest work the Grammarly will do. The working of Grammarly is divided into two sections.

First, let’s talk about online working, After installing the plugin on your browser If you make any grammar mistake and other mistakes while writing an email, doing comment on Facebook, or chat with someone and while writing anything on the browser then Grammarly will detect the mistake and show you the correct word by which you can fix your mistake. It will tell you what you have write is not correct and show you what you should write instead of that incorrect word.

grammarly working

The process of offline working is similar to online. When you are writing something like your project, resume or anything in MS Word then the Grammarly do their work of checking grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes and other advance mistake and give you the suggestion to fix them.

Why is Grammarly the best grammar checker?

  • It checks for more than 400 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations.
  • The user just only needs to write and the rest work the Grammarly will do.
  • The best part of Grammarly is, it’s free to use.
  • It will detect your grammatical mistakes and give you a suggestion to fix it.
  • Besides paid grammar checkers, one of the best free tools to check grammar is the tool provided by SmallSeoTools ( It is more convenient in usability and reliability.
  • For improving the advance issue, you have to purchase the premium version.
  • It is available online as well as offline use.
  • It is also available for Android OS.

One more reason that proves why Grammarly is Best Grammar Checker

Suppose you are reading a post on Facebook or any article on the website and you don’t know the meaning of a word then what will you do? Open a new tab and search for the meaning of that word? Is this what you do? Grammarly makes this task easy for you, you can just need to double click on the particular word in order to know the meaning of that word. That makes Grammarly the best grammar checker.

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