Charge Battery Without Charger (Myth-Buster)

Charge Mobile Battery Without Charger (Myth-Buster)

There are many myths regarding battery life and charging styles. Is it possible to charge battery without charger? Now just read and check about this myth.

A number of internet commentators have suggested the rubbing the battery actually provides charging of a mobile battery that is completely wrong. You can watch the video given below which shows that rubbing a phone battery 1-10 minutes does not makes it charge a battery. However there is a concept called “Wireless Power Transfer” for transmission of electricity without the use of conductors like wire etc.

Ultimately you need a charger since any device that lets you charge the battery will be a charger by definition.

Charge Battery Without Charger (Myth)

1. By Rubbing Mobile Battery – A number of internet commentators have suggested the rubbing the battery actually provides charging of a mobile battery that is completely wrong. If you believe it you can try that , but when you done with this you find that this myth is completely wrong.


2. Using Batteries (AAA, 9-volt(PP3)) – By charging your phone using AAA or 9-volt batteries using end to end connectors probably can not fully charged, but at least up to small extent.



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