11 Cool Google Tricks In 2023 – How To Play Google Tricks?

Google has made everyone’s life easy but, it’s pretty sometimes boring to search on google. There are so many unique and cool Google hidden tricks available on Google to make your searching fun.  Not everyone knows about these Google tricks, and that’s where they are skipping the fun. 

Cool Google tricks we are going to mention in this post will make you laugh as well as make you visit Google even without any purpose. 

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Google Do A Barrel Roll

Have you ever seen a Google page rolling like a barrel? No? Let just have the opportunity to see the rolling Google page now. 

To make Google a barrel roll, you need to open a Google search page and write ‘Do A Barrel Roll in the search bar.’

After you click ‘Enter,’ you will see a Google page rolling in 360 degrees. Isn’t it one of the best cool Google tricks to try now?

Askew/Tilt – Google Tricks

Askew/Tilt is one of the mind-blowing Google tricks that will have you scream ‘What the h***’. And don’t worry, that scream will be out of happiness that you didn’t know about the trick before. 

For this trick, search Askew/Tilt on google and enter. You will see the first result and click on that. Now, you are in the link, and you can see the screen tilt and have reverse words that you cannot understand easily. 

Despite the tilt screen, you can also find Google upside down, Google underwater, Google mirror, Google Dainasore game, Google PacMan game, Google Thanos snap, And many more. You have to try this trick and visit Askew/Tilt to find other exciting screens and tricks yourself. 

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Zerg Rush – Google Tricks 

Zerg Rush is like one of the magic Google tricks that will work magic and eliminate your boredom while searching on google. 

You need to type ‘Zerg Rush’ in the search bar and enter to see the magic. The first result you see will be ‘Play Zerg Rush,’ click to enter, and voila, you are ready to see the magic of disappearing the search result on the search page. The small circles will come and start erasing the search result one by one and end up write GG on SERP. 

Party Like It’s 1998

Want to make someone losing their mind? yes? ‘Party like its 1998’ trick is for you. Everyone today is indeed not aware of google’s basic page, and even with the high speed of the internet, they see the basic page of SERP, they will be confused. 

Search  ‘Party like its 1998’ in the google search bar and click on the first result. Now, you can see the theme of the Basic page of google. 

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Harlem Shake 

Ever seen the youtube logo do the Harlem shake? No? now, you can see. This trick is one of the exciting google tricks that make boredom go away.

To shake the youtube logo, go to the youtube site, search ‘Do The Harlem Shame,’ and wait for seconds. Now you can see the youtube logo shaking on a beat, and when the beat drops, the youtube page will explode.

Atari Breakout – Google Tricks

Want to make boredom go away quickly? Try this Quick and amazing google game. The game will be easy and fun to play, and you should try it often.

To play this google trick AKA google game, search ‘Atari Breakout’ and enter. The first result you see, click on that. When the page is load, you will see the normal image page, and after few seconds, the page will turn into a game. 

Recursion – Google Tricks

Recursion is one of the best and simple google tricks. If you are bored and have nothing to do, the trick is for you.

To play the google trick, you need to search ‘Recursion’ on the google search page. After entering your search of Recursion, google will show you the regular search result. Then, you will have to click on the ‘Did you mean Recursion,’ and the endless loop will be all you have. 

Google Gravity

Isn’t it amazing to see the google homepage crashing down? The Google Gravity trick is all you need to know about the crashing. 

To crash to the google home page, you will need to type Google gravity in the search bar and ignore all suggestions except ‘I am feeling lucky. Click on the mentioned search and click on the 1st result on the search result page. Now, you can see the crashing. 

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Google Sky

Want to feel the galaxy, sky, stars on your google page? The trick is for you. Google Sky is one of the excellent Google tricks that will make your eyes smile. 

For Google Sky Trick, You need to type ‘ Google sky’ in the search bar and enter. The first result will appear; click on it. Now you can see the Galaxy screen and zoom in as much as you want to see everything you want. 

Blink HTML

One of the cool Google tricks is ‘Blink HTML’. You will see the blink of your search result with just one search.

To blink your search results, All you need to search ‘Blink HTML on your search bar, and the searches will appear. Wait for seconds, and now you can see the blinks of your searches.  

The F.R.I.E.N.D.S Trick

You must be well aware of Google easter egg; they lounged it on the 25th anniversary of Friends TV show

To see the magic or do the trick, you simply need to search any of the sitcom’s characters on the google search result. Add ‘Friends’ before characters’ names and trigger the easter egg. When Google shows the images of characters on the sidebar of the search results, the icon will be there. Click on the icon given below the images and see the magic. 


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