Invite All Friends On FB Page By Single Click

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. Where we can create profile, Pages, groups and events to interact with people. Normally we use Profiles but for a special purpose, events or business we need to create a page, group, and event. It is not an easy task to grow page, group or any event. It’s required lots of time to grow a page. Whenever we create a facebook page, first of all, we invite our all friends on that page to increase the numbers of likes, people engagement. But when you have lots of friends on Facebook and it’s good for your page to invite them all, but it would require a lot more time and patience to invite them all lonely. Facebook don’t have the option to invite the all friend with a single click. But don’t worry, here I am sharing the trick to Invite All Friends On FB Page by a single click.

Wanna Invite All Friends On FB Page? but its take too much time to invite every single person, and if you have a large number of friends then it required so much of time and patience. But don’t worry, I have a solution for it and this solution leads you to not invite every single person by a single click, you just need to follow these 6 simple and easy steps.

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For Invite All Friends On FB Page

1. Copy the code from Below.
2. Go to the page ( on which you want to invite your friends).
3. Click on invite friends to this page.
4. Then clean the URL and write javascript: there.
5.  After Javascript: paste the code and press ENTER.
6. Now Invitation is sending to your friends.



You can also watch the video here:-

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