Change or Restore IMEI Number and No Network Issue- Fix Invalid IMEI Number

If there is no network in your SIM then it can be possibly due to an Invalid IMEI Number. I have also faced the same problem. So, In this post, I am writing the best and easy way to fix the invalid IMEI number issue.

This article will you help in Solving/changing/Restoring/Repairing/ and fixing the IMEI number and get rid off no signals on your phone.

If your IMEI Number is not showing when you type the code *#06# then this can cause issues like no network signal, SIM is not working, and you will unable to call anyone.

This can cause your mobile phone signal to disappear and your signals may not showing due to this IMEI issue. So, you have to restore the IMEI number to get rid off no signal problem. By using this technique, you can also change IMEI number.

Now, Follow Step by step instructions to get back and restore IMEI number and get rid off no service signals easily  (without root – means you do not need to root your device with this method, it is simple).

Also Read: Turn your android phone into wireless speaker

How to check the IMEI number?

To check the IMEI number of any phone. You can find it by typing *#06#

How to change IMEI number or Restore it

To restore or to change IMEI number and get rid off those signal problems you just have to follow this step by step instructions.

Step 1Check your IMEI Number is Valid or Invalid

Check your phone IMEI number first. How to check the IMEI number? You can check your IMEI number by typing *#06#. It shows that IMEI is invalid.

invalid imei

Step 2 – MTK Engineering Mode

Open play store and then you have to install MTK Engineering Mode app on your phone.

Step 3 – MTK Settings

Now open the app “MTK Engineering Mode”. Click on MTK Settings.

change imei number

Step 4 – Connectivity

Click/Tap on connectivity by swiping to go on the right side (at the top of the right side).

engineering mode android

When scrolling to the right side, there an option “connectivity” at the right side (top). You can see the image below.

restore imei number

Step 5 – CDS Information

Click/Tap on CDS Information.

Step 6 – Radio Information

A new screen appears in which you have to click/tap on Radio Information.

restore IMEI number

Step 7 – Phone Information to select

Now, you see there is two option Phone 1 and Phone 2 in phone information. If you are using a dual sim phone it will show phone 1 and phone 2. If you are using single sim phone then it will show you phone 1 only. As the phone which I am using is a dual sim, therefore it is showing phone 1 and phone 2.

how to change imei number

Step 8 – Type the following commands

Click/Tap on phone 1 then you have to type this command which I have written in red.

AT+ EGMR=1,7,”Your 1st IMEI Number” then click on SEND AT COMMAND button.

NOTE:- There is the space between + and E.

how to change IMEI number

Step 9 – Type this command in phone 2 option

Now go back and click/tap on phone 2 then you have to type this command which I have written in red.

AT+ EGMR=1,10,”Your 2nd IMEI Number” then click on SEND AT COMMAND button.

NOTE:- There is the space between + and E.

change IMEI

Step 10 – Restart your phone

Restart your phone and then check again your IMEI number by typing *#06#. In this way, you can restore or change IMEI number back and get rid off of that sim signal problem.

change IMEI number

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I had also faced the same problem when one day I was not able to make any calls due to Invalid IMEI number. Why this problem occurs in my phone? There can be different reasons due to which this problem may be happen.

In this software problem, your mobile/phone networks will not going to work and you can not call anyone until you solve this problem. I have already explained the step by step process above to fix this issue. You can also check the video tutorial on our youtube channel hackchefs.

For any help, you can leave a message on the Facebook page.

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