5 Best Ways to Surf Anonymously Online and Private Browsing

Are you looking to search for different things on the Internet and surf anonymously? In this guide, I will tell you the five best ways that you can use to surf anonymously. You can also hide your IP address and location of your country

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Surf Anonymously Online (Private Browsing)

I have listed 5 best methods to surf anonymously and browse the things on the internet using private browsing or changing the IP Address of your location.

1. Use privacy-oriented search engines

private browsing

Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc all track your searches and IP address. You can use a search engine that does not track your searches, IP address, Ad-Free etc.

So, you can use the search engine that does not collect or share personal information. DuckDuckGo and StartPage are the best search engines to surf anonymously. Using this search engine you can surf online anonymously and there is no one tracking you.

2. Use a web-based proxy

surf anonymously online

Proxy – A proxy server is a server that is configured to collect and then resend network traffic.

A proxy server allows you to connect to it and then it will send out your requests for websites.

After that, it then receives the data from the websites and then sends it to you. The proxy server has the benefit of hiding your IP address from the website that you are accessing.

There are many web-based proxies available. These are websites which can route traffic through the proxy server.

When you open another tab in your browser and anything you send will be anonymously sent.

Using a proxy server you can Surf Online Anonymously. When you are using a web-based proxy avoid any sites that use secure login (Online shopping, banking, etc.) because proxy sites could not be safe or secure.

Some best free proxy sites:

  • Hidester
  • Hidemyass
  • Kproxy
  • free-proxy.com
  • CroxyProxy
  • ProxySite

3. Using a VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. VPN is an encrypted connection between you and a server.

This is a safe secure way to hide IP address and surf online anonymously. It is used in corporate environments so that remote workers could remotely and securely access company resources.

You can use these two most popular and highly reliable VPN proxy services: Hide My Ass VPN and VyprVPN.

VPN is generally paid but you can also free VPN like hola VPN. Hola is a freemium application which is available for web and mobile application.

You can add hola free VPN proxy unblocker in your google chrome extension to unblock all those websites which are ban in your country.

You can use it to search for anything on the web anonymously by changing your IP address and location of your country.

4. Use the Tor Browser

surf anonymously

Tor only protects your applications that are properly configured to send their Internet traffic through Tor.

It is pre-configured to protect your privacy and anonymity on the web as long as you’re browsing with the Tor Browser itself. Tor is a network that acts as multiple proxies, bouncing your traffic between multiple relays before reaching the destination or you.

Only traffic that goes through the Tor Browser will be anonymous and browsing using the Tor Browser will be comparatively slower in comparison with other browsers like chrome, firefox etc.

These are some ways by which you can Surf Online Anonymously. It is a good browser for private browsing.

5. Psiphon

Psiphon is a good software for searching for anything on the internet anonymously. It has many features like you can change your IP address within your country, change location of your country while surfing the internet, you can also change cities, etc.

You can download Psiphon from the official website of Psiphon. The best part is the mobile app for android is also available on google play store. So, you can also use it on your phone. Psiphon is a free and open-source uncensored internet access for windows and mobile.

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1 thought on “5 Best Ways to Surf Anonymously Online and Private Browsing”

  1. You either use Tor or a paid VPN. Nothing sounds dangerous like a free vpn in my opinion. But it might just be my paranoid ass. Personally, I would suggest getting NordVPN or Mullivad, but then again I’ve used only NordVPN from these two, the other one, my friend uses which he said was okay.


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