To use WhatsApp with any fake mobile number, using this trick you will activate your Whatsapp that has the number but Fake. Actually, this trick is done by app spoof text which is helpful for using WhatsApp without number (Means you can type any fake number randomly which cannot exist).
Read: How To Access Someone WhatsApp Account in Your Phone
Follow these steps
- First, you have to Uninstall Whatsapp from Your Android phone and Install again. Now change Mobile Mode to Flight Mode. So you Didn’t get any message from WhatsApp for verification
- To use WhatsApp with How To Use Whatsapp With Fake Mobile Number. Now, Open Whatsapp and Enter Your number, But it is not able to send the message towards server And Finally, it says alternative steps to verify it.
- Now select Authenticate through Message Option And Enter Your Email Address and Hit Send Button And immediately Click On Cancel. This will Ends Authorisation Practice.
- Now Download Spoof Text app for Android And iPhone User can Go to
- Now trick is Go to Outbox > Copy The Message Information to spoofer app > Send In this way
- To: +44692247295
- Coming From: +(Country code)(mobile number)
- Information: Your email target
- A message is Sent From Spoofed Number. So You Can Use this Number for connecting in WhatsApp (fake mobile number).