xResolver – A Complete Guide To Prevent DDoS Attacks

What would you do when you find out about getting hacked? Isn’t it so frustrating to know that you have been hacked or are sharing a company with a hacker? These all situations are normal while playing online. Playing online games can Couse visibility to your IP address, which will only lead to DDoS attacks. It would be best to be always concerned for your security while playing online because there are so many hackers, xResolver or xResolver alternatives waiting for you.  

However, you can avoid these attacks or be caught by the hacker. The ways you need to prevent DDoS attacks are mentioned below in depth. 


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What Is xResolver or Xbox Resolver?

xResolver is a database service that logs the Gamertags and IP addresses of users playing on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The information enclosed on the website is technically legal because it’s publicly available information, but it can create significant headaches for gamers who regularly play online.

Besides the database itself, xResolver gives players a service to pay a fee to have their IP address removed from the log for an ‘a lifetime’. However, it is not recommended.

Why Should I Protect My IP address While Playing Games Online?

As per the security concern, IP addresses can disclose the general location to hackers (i.e. usually by country and city) and expose your whole network to DDoS attacks.

Let’s consider you are poorly gaming online and a hacker player may take personal offense to your plays. Afterward, decide to obtain your public IP address using a tool like OctoSniff. Then they use this information to overflow your IP address with worthless communications traffic, temporarily bringing down your internet and hitting you out of the game.

Doesn’t matter how much it sucks; it happens.

However, as long as you protect your IP address and take action to remain safe online, you won’t run into such significant problems.

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How Do Hackers(xResolver) Get Our IP Address While Playing?

OctoSniff is a hacking tool that allows users to obtain other users’ IP addresses while gaming online, and there are so many similar tools available on the internet. However, it is entirely possible and legal to get anyone’s IP addresses as the IP addresses are made public online. This is the reason why users connect to each other online.

Thus, OctoSniff captures all this information and decrypts user information while playing in an online session. Then allows a log of which Gamertag belongs to which IP address. It may then be added to databases like xResolver that lead hackers to target particular players or users.

Can I Blacklist My IP Address From xResolver?

Yes, You can easily blacklist your IP address from xResolver. Blacklisting from xResolver will remove your Gamertag/Username and IP addresses from displaying on their databases ever again. Thus, also protect your online appearance on Microsoft and Sony’s services from third-party hacking attacks.

How Do I Blacklist My IP Address From xResolver?

To do invisible your IP address to the hackers, you need to use a VPN. You can also ask ISP to change your IP address. Always avoid suspicious people and join random games.

Other than that, If you wish to blacklist your IP address from xResolver, follow the steps below:

  • Go to xResolver official site and hit your Gamertag into the device.
  • Now, the gamer tag should provide you your IP address.
  • Grab the IP address and go to OctoSniff.
  • Now, you will have to purchase 500 pints only then you can blacklist your IP.
  • Soon upon purchasing the points, you will get a key to your message box.
  • Copy the xResolver blacklist IP link.
  • Now, click on redeem the license and add the key to the point section.
  • Claim your points.
  • Now go to the miscellaneous and scroll down until you find the blacklist option.
  • Hit your IP address into this section and click on the blacklist username.
  • Now go back to the site, put your username there, and show the validation of the blacklisted IP. 

Do I Need To Pay For Blacklisting My Ip Address From xResolver?

The users who use the OctoSniff program are most likely to reveal their information/IP address on xResolver. Your Gamertag will be associated with the IP address when you engage in multiplayer sessions with other users running a scraping program. 

However, associating the Gamertag with an IP address will lead to DDoS attacks. We highly recommend you not to be a part of online public sessions with hackers like online games. 

If you are still associated with your Gamertag with IP, xResolver offers a premium feature that lets you Blacklist your IP. This feature is premium and claims to remove your IP from the public log. Therefore, this is not the option you should go for; it is just an attempt to get cash for nothing. There are other options to blacklist your IP other than paying hackers. 

Why Should I be Worried About Hackers While Playing Online?

Revealing yourself to hackers is a real risk you should be worried about, but this problem can be solved easily if you are careful while gaming online. 

Many online games/services have their own policies and ways to defend against hackers. However, you should be well aware of other things to make you safe online as well. Things you should know:

  • Try not to play in public sessions.
  • Don’t play private sessions with strangers.
  • Don’t even try to click on unknown links that are provided in anonymous chats and private messages.
  • Always treat strangers and unwanted messages as suspicious.

It is recommended that you should concern about your privacy online, but if you still get DDoS attacks, don’t lose hope. If there is a problem, there is a solution as well. If your IP address is compromised, you are getting DDoS attacks; you can take the necessary steps. 

How Do I Change My IP Address To Not Get Caught By xResolver?

You can easily change your laptop’s or PC’s IP address, but you cannot manually change your public IP address. Internet provider DHCP servers set public Ip addresses, and you can ask them to change your IP. 

To manually change your IP address, Follow the guide below:


  1. Go to System Preferences>click Network
  2. Click Network Connection>Configure IPv4
  3. Now, Select Manually and type in Ip.


  1. Go to Settings, tap Wi-Fi>Network.
  2. Tap Configure IP Under the IPv4 address section,
  3. Now, manually type in your IP address.


Make sure you’re working from your Administrator account 

  1. Click Start, and then go to Control Panel.
  2. Click Network Connection>click on your local area connection. 
  3. Next, click Properties>TCP/IP.
  4.  Now you can type your new IP address in manually. 


  1. Go to Settings>Connections>Wi-Fi
  2. Now tap on the currently connected Network.
  3. Tap the gear-shaped icon to the right of the Network. Your IP address will be displayed here.
  4. Now go to the bottom of the screen, tap Advanced> IP Settings
  5. Select Static. Now you can type in your IP.

If you are still facing the issue of changing the IP address, use the following options below:

Proxy server

the proxy server is a free and easy way to hide your IP address. With a proxy server, your traffic goes through the middle man server to hide your IP address and show the middle server’s IP to the hackers.

Note: Proxy servers are not encrypted, and anyone who wants to see your traffic can easily see them. 


Virtual Private Networks are always suggested to hide your IP address while surfing or gaming online. Connecting to a VPN will change your IP with another in a location of your choosing while encrypting all of your traffic. If you are willing to invest, invest in a good VPN service like Hola VPN that will help your gaming online freely. 

xResolver Alternatives

  • Xboxonebooter
  • LANC PCPS Search
  • Ps4 booter
  • Just gaming.io
  • Bootpeopleoffline


How To Boot Using xResolver?

If you want to boot using xResoler:
You first need to download or install any freebooter.
Now, go and enter the IP address of your preference for booting. 
You can now set the time to net get disturbed by the users.
Now click on the DDos tab
It will now show the successfully booting message.

Is xResolver illegal?

The publicly availability of your IP address is not illegal, it is a piece of public information, not private. Bur, as Xreslovers, using your Ip or personal information for negative impact is illegal.

Can I remove myself from xResolver,

Yes, you can easily remove yourself from xResolver just by to blacklist or data removal option and delete yourself from their database. 

How can I pull IP on Xbox and Playstation?

Pulling IPs from Xbox and PlayStation are simple, as shown with xresolver just using the website, you can resolve IPs in seconds. But you can also use an installable IP sniffer to pull and decrypt usernames such as LANC PCPS.

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