How To Make Free International Calls

You can make free international calls (Worldwide) using voice over internet protocol (VoIP). You will need an internet connection to do free calls to your relatives, friends, etc that are living in some other country. I have given some popular apps/websites names which you can use to make free international calls. Make your account on any one of these apps/websites and tell your relatives, friends or family to connect with you on this app.

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7 Apps/Websites To Make Free International Calls

1. Whatsapp

make free international calls

Whatsapp is a popular app with over billions of downloads. You can make free international calls using WhatsApp, all you need is the internet connection. Using WhatsApp who can do video calls also. It provides good calling with clear sound over the internet. The person whom you are calling must have WhatsApp on their phone. This app is best for secured communications.

2. Viber

make free international calls

Viber is a popular app which can make free international calls using the internet. It provides free phone calls, text message, video calls. You can send video and voice messages free across the world. If your relatives are living in some other countries, use this app for free phone calls and video calls. This app is best for secured communications.

3. Line

make free international calls

It provides free voice, video calls, instant messaging and fully-featured social networking service. You can use line to make international calls free. It provides good security for its users.

4. Skype

make free international calls

It is available for almost all devices such as Android phones, computers, laptops, tablets, etc. It is popular for video calling. You can text, call and video calls free worldwide to other Skype user. You can bring family, friends, and relatives together in a free video group call. Using Skype you can call phone numbers at affordable rates.

5. IMO

IMO is a popular video calling and chatting app. You can send unlimited messages and make free video and voice calls on Android and iPhone.

6. BBM 

BBM is a blackberry messenger. It provides free messages and calls. It also provides free voice and video calls between BBM contacts.

 7. Libon

Libon is another VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Calling app, which provides international calling at low rates. You can check the rates on libon website.


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