Hacking Tricks and Prevention

In this post, you will learn about hacking tricks and prevention.

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Hacking Tricks

1. Keylogger

A keylogger is probably one of the most effective and popular ways to hack all kinds of information. Though some services are so strong that even the most talented hacker would have trouble finding vulnerabilities, more often than, all of these security features can be undone with a keylogger.

2. Phishing

Phishing still remains an extremely effective way for hackers to steal login credentials, payment card information, Facebook account’s, to hack Gmail account and other frauds. Essentially, the hacker tries to setup a website that looks and behaves exactly like another website. All the attacker really needs to do is copy the web code from the login screen, add a small amount of PHP code, and then harvest usernames and passwords.

After the false phishing site has been setup, the hacker then sends links to the bogus site to all of their victims. A careless user won’t see that the URL is slightly different and consequently send their username and password straight into the hands of the attacker. Then the phishing site typically redirects the user to the genuine site to avoid suspicion. Though there are a lot of phishing filters and web URL blacklists that attempt to stamp out phishing, there are always new phishing sites popping up and there is nothing we can do to eliminate them completely.

3. Social Engineering

Social engineering has remained another effective alternative for hackers to steal users login credentials.

4. Stealing Cookies

There are a number of ways to steal cookies from other users’ sessions and to inject them into your own web browser. Tools like Firecookie, Wireshark Cookie Injector, etc will allow you to sniff out a cookie on the local LAN and then use that cookie to hijack the user’s session. The easiest place for a hacker to perform this attack is on public Wi-Fi networks

5. Using Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an open-source project which provides the best information security and penetration security services. It is mainly used for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments. You can download Kali Linux on your system from the Kali Linux Official website. It is best for hacking, android hacks and tricks. Kali Linux is best for ethical hacking. You can hack a facebook account, android phone, hack a person using your WiFi, etc.

6. Using apps and websites

You can use mSpy to monitor phones and computers. It provides a lot of features such as track location, access to all apps of someone’s phone, WhatsApp tracking, monitor internet use of someone’s phone, monitor incoming and outgoing calls, Read emails, user phone activity, etc.

There are some websites like shadowave, anomor, etc which provide phishing links. shadowave needs the login and after when you log in to shadowave there are many links there, you can use any link to send to the user which account you want to hack. You can also check your victims in shadowave account.

7.  Using malware links to steal user information and data hacking tricks.

How to Prevent Hacking

1. Do not use public WiFi/free WiFi.

2. Use data encryption settings.

3. Always keep your device/system updated.

4. Avoid visiting harmful sites. Install Avast Antivirus or any other antivirus extension in google chrome browser.

5. Avoid installing a third party app.

6. Turn off Bluetooth when not in use.

7. Be aware of email attachments and free software.

8. Never disclose a debit or credit card PIN in email or on the phone.

9. Never give your OTP number to anyone.

10. Install good antivirus software on your system.

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