If you want to change mobile number online in SBI bank account then you can follow these given below instructions.
1. Open the website https://www.onlinesbi.com/ or Click here
2. Now there is a option “personal banking” you have to login to that.
3. Enter your username and password to login into your account.
4. Now, you will see Display Name, Email ID and mobile number registered in INB.
5. Click on the hyper link ‘Change Mobile Number-Domestic only [Through OTP(one time password)/ATM/Contact Centre].
6. A new screen will appear in which you will see these options ‘Personal Details-Mobile Number Update’ with three tabs ‘Create Request’, ‘Cancel Request’ and ‘Status’.
7. Input new mobile number.
8. Input Re-input new mobile number and Click on Submit button.
9. A pop-up message “Verify and confirm your mobile number xxxxxxxxxx” will appear on the screen. Now you have to Click ‘Ok’ to proceed.
10. A new screen with three different option for approval of change of mobile number to change mobile number online in SBI bank
a. By OTP on the Mobile Number
b. IRATA : Internet Banking Request Approval through ATM
c. Approval through Contact Centre
If you choose “a” option (i.e By OTP) then mobile number change can be approved online using OTP. You can follow given below instructions to change mobile number online in SBI bank using OTP.
1. Click the radio button against the option ‘By OTP on both the Mobile Number and then click on proceed’ button.
2. Select the account by clicking the radio button for which you possess the debit card and then Click on Proceed button.
3. In the next screen the ATM cards associated with the selected account will be displayed.
4. Select the ATM card and click on ‘Proceed’ button.
5. In the next screen, State Bank of India (SBI) Payment Gateway will be displayed.
6. Enter the card details (card number, valid from/expiry Date, cardholder name, PIN and the characters visible in the box).
7. Click on “Submit” button and verify the information then Click on Pay button.
8. On successful validation, INB system will send OTP along with reference number on your old as well as new mobile number.
9. You need to send SMS from both (old and new) mobile numbers in following format ACTIVATE <8 digit OTP number> <13 digit reference number> to 567676 within 4 hrs. e.g. ACTIVATE 11111111 BV24251718029.
10. Upon successful validation of the OTP value and reference number, the new mobile number GIVEN by you will be copied in INB, CBS and ATM. A successful message in this regard will also be displayed to customer on his mobile number.
You can also Change Mobile Number online in SBI Bank by using any three option(a. By OTP on the Mobile Number, b. IRATA : Internet Banking Request Approval through ATM, c. Approval through Contact Centre).