Everything You Should Know About Remote Learning In 2023

Recently, Covid 19 brought in remote learning as a result of school closures worldwide. In a very short stretch of time, all the schools had to shift their existing education process and all of its parts like curriculum, assignments, lectures into an e-learning space.

Remote learning

This article will give you an overview of what exactly is remote learning. Its pros and cons. How it works. And much more information will be shared throughout the article.

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What Is Remote Learning?

Remote learning is also known as Distance learning, where the students and teachers are not physically present in the classroom or school. The information and lectures are transmitted through online classes, video conferencing and other technology-based methods. However, remote learning can occur both synchronously and asynchronously. Synchronously with real-time peer to peer interaction and asynchronously with self-paced learning activities can take place.

It is a venture to recreate the face to face classroom over the internet. 

Remote learning also uses e-learning tools or devices to operate classes for students that cannot be done in the classroom for any reason.

Benefits Of Remote Learning

Remote learning benefits
  • Convenient learning – Students can learn, participate and attend classes from anywhere in the world. 
  • Usage of Technology –  It intensifies the knowledge of technology. 
  • It Saves you money and time – Since remote learning takes place online, students don’t have to spend on travelling expenses. They can learn from the comfort of their home. 
  • Greater flexibility – Students can follow and complete their desired courses from anywhere just by using a device ( mobiles, laptops, computers, etc.) And by having a good internet connection. Working students can learn and earn easily.
  • Teaches time management – By making students understand the ways of using spare time by challenging them. 

Disadvantages Of Remote Learning

Distraction – Students feel lazy to attend classes at home. With no face to face interaction with the teachers and their peer group, students become ignorant about the assignments, deadlines and projects. They keep switching the apps if they findb the classes boring.

Zero social interaction – Though students can interact with each other through chatbox, video conferencing or social media apps. The fun and experience of a traditional class cannot be compared. Students tend to become introverted due to a lack of social interaction. They cannot make memories.

Lack of communication skills – students do not get the habit of verbal communication and interaction with the professors and peers. Which also makes it difficult for them

 to communicate with people in a crowd.

Mental health issues – Students feel isolated and depressed as they cannot engage and mingle with their friends.

Difference Between Online Learning And Remote Learning

Both the modes of learning indeed have many similarities, but few differences make them unique. 

Online learning has permanently been embedded online; the course was planned to be administered online from the beginning. It is a syllabus that was created with online learning in mind. Students basically are learning online to earn a certificate or develop a new skill. It tends to be more flexible because it allows students to learn online to tune into lectures and online courses on their own time.

However, remote learning tries to recreate the actual classroom environment where the students learn from their devices. The student follows a given schedule provided by their school and has to log in on time, listen to lectures, complete assignments, or participate in group activities and discussions. 

Most useful resources for remote learning

useful resources of remote-learning-
  • Google classroom
  • Screencastify
  • Zoom
  • Google meet
  • Canva
  • Microsoft teams
  • Powerpoint
  • And many more.

Few Tips For Remote Learning

For students

Communicate with your classmates and lecturers – Ask questions to your teachers and discuss the projects and also assignments given to you with your classmates. 

Avoid distractions – Distance yourself from the things that distract you by keeping your phones on aeroplane mode or do not disturb mode—turning off your notifications.

Stay focused – Don’t get distracted by anything and anyone, and stay focused on your classes and also work. 

Ask for help – Don’t hesitate to ask any doubts or questions that you may have. However, if the teacher cannot clear it in the class, ask your classmates or text the teacher. 

For Teachers

Use the right platform for teaching –  Teachers are expected to use the right tools for the right purposes. They also have to be very thoughtful and creative.

Simplify – Simplify the method of teaching. Prioritising skills is more necessary now. Clear all the doubts the students have since it will be online. Students might not understand a few topics due to connectivity issues or for whatever reason.

Use good lighting – Quality in the audio, transparent, bright background will encourage students to learn.  However, try all the methods that you can to grab the attention of students.

For parents

Stay in contact with the teachers – Parents have to keep in touch with the teachers and also often ask the teacher about the wards activities. This is very important.

Keep a check on kids – Parents have to take care of the children and avoid distraction. Also, make them understand the importance of learning. 

Encourage physical activity – Encourage your kids to play physical games, run and exercise because they sit on chairs for a long time. Ask your child to take a break. Also, ask them to avoid Gadgets unnecessarily.


Distance learning has been proven to be cheaper and more convenient. Though it has some disadvantages, it provides good learning. It has also brought a positive impact on everyone’s life. Remote learning helps in family bonding. We hope you have cleared all your doubts and the meaning of remote learning in this article. Do you also think that distance or remote learning is beneficial at some point? 

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