How To Play 5 Best Unblocked Games 66, 77 & More?

I bring for you a complete list of free unblocked games that are available even if your IP is blocked to access any online games.

In this post, I will discuss all the unblocked games 77, 66, & everything related to this topic. So, make sure to read it till the end to get all the information.

You can play these games in your free time or break at school, college, or work. There are lots of sites offering unblocked games with different versions, but which one is safe to play that does not harm your device and privacy?

Here we will take a look at these games and sites, how and where to play, and what does mean of unblocked games 66, 76, 77, and so on.

So without further ado, let’s start.


Unblocked games are games that are accessible online for free; even your Internet or device I.P sets to blocked online games. These games are popular with students and employees who want to play games in school or the office in their free time.

The purpose of blocking online games sites in schools, hospitals, and offices is to prevent students and employees from wasting their time on the games and increase productivity. However, it’s fine to play games in your free time or breaks to freshen your mind.

Most of the sites that offer unblocked games are developed in google through because you are blocked from accessing online game sites such as Miniclip, ArmorGames,, not google. That’s why even if you do not access these sites, you can play and enjoy games through google sites.

You can develop these sites and games by yourself as well without any experience in games or programming. In the below section, I provide a step-by-step guide on how I make my own unblocked games site.

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What is the mean of Unblock 66, 76, 77, and So On?

You might be confused like me by seeing different numbers placed with word unblocked games such as 27, 66, 75, 76, 77, 78, 88, 99, 6969, 6666, 7777, and 8888.

Unblocked games 66, 76, and 77 are the version of these games, nothing more, so don’t be confused with these numbers. The purpose of all these sites is to offer free games that you can play at school or the office.

Best Unblocked Games in School to play

There is a huge variety of unblocked games and sites available, and it’s difficult to say that these are the best games because each player has their own preference and choice. However, after playing multiple games, I found these games could be best for anyone.

1. Beat the Boss

In this game, you face a robot that throws small blocks, and your task is to prevent these small blocks from hitting the bigger blocks. It may not seem fun, but you’ll enjoy it after playing. You can also consider this one of the best-unblocked games at school in 2022 as well.

2. Escaping the Prison

If you watched the prison break season, you know how exciting escaping prison is. In the start, you get different tools to break the jail, including a rocket launcher, file, NRG drink, teleporter, drill, and telephone.

Each tool has a different story, and one of them will lead you to accept prison. The storyline is amazing. You’ll enjoy this game.

3. Bloons 2

If you are a fan of challenging games, then this game is for you. In the game, you get different plans, and each plan contains almost 12 stages. You get a monkey ninja with arrows, you have to throw these arrows on balloons, and in a specific time with limited arrows, you need to complete this task, and when you complete one task, you will move to another. And one by one, it became quite interesting and challenging as well.

4. Run

How exciting it is to run space. In this game, you choose a character that runs on different rails in the space, and you control this character using right, left arrows, and space buttons. The game has different levels; once you complete one level, you will be promoted to the next. In the beginning, it looks very easy to play, but as you promoted to the next level, the games became more challenging.

5. Whack the Trump

The story of this game is not good as other games that I mentioned above have, but if you get the chance to whack the trump, then why not even in it a game?

Other than that, you can play I will die, a doctor who, “can your pet”, games like Fortnite, Minecraft, csgo, GTA, Roblox, and so on.

You can access these unlocked games on Tyrone’s unblocked games and other different versions such as unblocked 77, 76, 66, and so on.

How to play unblocked games?

To play these games, you need an internet connection and a mobile, laptop, or PC.

Copy this URL and paste it into the search bar “”.

As you can see on the left side list of various games. Choose the one you want to play and click on it. I love to drive cars, so I chose the “3d car driver” game.

When you click some of the games, you might see “Adobe Player is blocked”.

You can unblock it in chrome by going to setting > site setting > Flash > enable it. Or you can read below step by step guide on how to unblock flash players in unblocked games.

When you unblock it, you can access the game.

Read the instructions once, and then click on play and enjoy. It’s quite fun. I’m still playing in my free time.

How to Download Unblocked Games?

These games are embedded in google sites which have no option to download. Also when you can play them free online, then I don’t think so you need to download them. Just go to the sites, choose different games you like, hit play, and enjoy the game.

How do I make my own unblocked games site?

Before I tell you you can make your own site, you have to access the PC that does not have blocked I.P. And if you are thinking of building a site on your school computer, then you might not be able to create it because you will not access all the games you want to include in your site.

So you do all the stuff on the home computer and then access the site through its URL on a school computer or anywhere.

So let’s start…

1. Open your chrome browser and sign in with your email. Type “” in the search bar and click on the + icon.

2. You will redirect to this page where you can build your unblocked games site.

3. Enter the title of the game you want to add. I want to add 2048game, so I gave the title 2048. Next, go to the page/game you want to include, in my case, I go to

4. Click on “Embed” in the insert option, paste the URL, or embed the source code. You can find the source code by pressing the key “ctrl+shift+C” or copying the URL and pasting it.

5. Add as many games as you want plus play with the design buttons and create an excellent design, and when you are done, click on the publish buttons, and here you go, you have your unblocked game.

Unblock Adobe Flash Player to play unblocked games

There are different ways to unblock the flash player, but the basic and easy way is to open your chrome browser.

Step 1: Click on the Settings option. Search Site setting.

Step 2: Click on the site setting, scroll down, and you will see a flash option in permissions.

Step 3: Click on it and enable it; now, you can play all the games that are not played due to the flash player blocked issue.

Flash player VS HTML5

In a BBC article, the flash player announced that they would kill the flash player in 2020, and since schools and offices are familiar with that, there are unblocked games that students and employees can play even if we block all other games through google sites and Weebly sites.

So what they do is they prevent flash player installation, and even if you allow flash player, it will not work, and you cannot play the games, and there are no flash player updates as well.

So here comes HTML5. Html5 doesn’t require any plugin it works in real-time when you will play the games, it will work automatically.

However, there is a great collection of flash player unblocked games available if you can access them. It’s good otherwise, there is no option you need to move on html5 unblocked games in 2020.


Is unblocked games safe?

Yes, unblocked games are safe to browse and play. However, you must take care of it while accessing the site that offers these games. Make sure in the URL you can find or, which has https instead of HTTP. Because these sites are proven to be safe, and playing games on these sites are more secure and safe than on other random sites.

Where to play unblocked games?

There are a wide variety of sites available that offer unblocked games; you can choose any one of them, but make sure they are safe to play. One of the sites that I recommend you to is Tyrone’s unblocked games. This site is safe and secure to play any game at school and work.

How to block unblocked games?

If you are a school principal or company officer and want to block these unblocked games along with other games, the one method you can try is blocking the flash player. Most of the games run through flash players if you can block it, you can block these games. However, now some games are available that run on the html5 code that you cannot block.


Unblocked games do not have visuals and stories like top-quality games, but once you start playing these games. You will never ignore them.

If you get bored at school or work, you should play these games simultaneously. The beauty of these games is you can play them even if all sites except are blocked, and you can play these games with your low-specification mobiles as well.


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